
welcome to my world

working as a server you encounter some difficult customers; it comes with the territory.

however, i'm soon realizing that at red lobster i've entered a whole new relm.

to put this into context i'd like you to watch this video clip. this woman represents 99.2% of EVERY customer i come in contact with. i cannot emphasize this enough...that figure is NOT an exaggeration.

after watching this video, it should come as no surprise that i carry a shiv in my apron at work.

say a little prayer for me tonight before you go to bed. i need it.


Anonymous said...

I can't even watch that whole video. What an idiot! I love how she is cheap and turns it into a race issue. Stupid. I feel sorry for you. I'd go back to cooking!

Anonymous said...

I feel you friend....let me tell you that three of us are sitting here watching this video & all three of us work at Bob's. I'm pretty sure she would be one of those customers that gets a side of "BIATCH" for a remark on her ticket...then the cooks get to decide what kind of special "side" she gets with her meal :) We love ya & miss you terribly!

Sethamphetamine said...

watching that video makes my blood boil. it's too true. the video says it all. we work in hell matt.