
new cars, new homes, new phones

why don't we get excited for people when they get new things?

you got a new $400 cell phone with GPS and a direct link to the space station? yeah for you. i can barely afford to pay rent.

you got a new baby? thank you for sending me three dozen identical pictures of your newborn sleeping. i just found out that the plastic water bottle i've been using the last five years is carcinogenic and has virtually eliminated all chances of me reproducing. but...congratulations. i'm happy for you.

you got a new car? awesome. i just paid $1200 to have my engine repaired last week. but i'm sure yours is fine.

you just got a dramatic new hairstyle? neat. i got a haircut last week and you didn't say a word. but really, it looks great on you.

you just won $400 on a scratch ticket? wow. lucky you. i've never won anything in my life.

sure, i'd love to look at a slide-show of your vacation pictures; even though i haven't had a day of vacation since i hit puberty. i'll just pretend i'm there in cancun alongside you and the dolphins. looks like you had an awesome time.

why don't we care? when we get something new we want to shout to the whole world! yet the instant we have to walk through someone's new home and hear them drone on about the wood grain of the cabinets and the top-of-the-line faucets in the bathroom - we shut down.

are we just selfish by nature or is there a hint of jealousy involved?

seeing others brag about their promotion only reminds us that we're not quite as far along as we'd like to be.

seeing others brag about their newborn only reminds us of our own ticking biological clock. and if we do have kids, we internally scoff - because they don't have a clue what they're in for.

why can't we just be happy for them? we politely smile and act amused when a friend shows off a new gadget or tells us they're engaged. yet the second it becomes us in the lime-light we completely forget how this appears to others and expect everyone to instantly become as excited as we are.

the facts are: the only people who care about your new baby are your parents and grandparents. not your office co-workers. not your mailman. not your casual myspace friends who you haven't spoken to in five years.

the only person who cares about your new car is the guy who sold it to you.

and the only person who cares about your vacation is you.

having said that, i just bought a new pair of jeans. a detailed description and corresponding photos are now in your email inbox.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you have new jeans. I bet they are comfortable. I have forgotten what it is like to have new jeans, I haven't had a new pair of jeans since I was 21. You selfish bastard.


Anonymous said...

You know that is so true,i dont personally like to be jealous or selfish but sometimes you get so disgusted at another persons succesfulness that you end up wallowing in your own sorrows.Honestly new things are nice to have, but only in moderation. Otherwise you become too overstimulated by societies need to have the 'best' of everything.