next topic up to bat - i'm leaving california. permanently. allow me to explain. over the past year, i have slowly developed a festering distaste for everything in the general vicinity lying roughly south of oregon and west of nevada. my list of grievances are as follows...

he was wearing an XXL T-shirt with an 18 inch portrait of obama proudly splayed across the front. through his three solitary teeth he proudly proclaimed it to be his birthday. as per red lobster policy, we are obligated to sing 'happy birthday' to our guests.
i call a couple of reluctant servers over to assist me in the merriment. i blandly ask the man his name and he lets out a loud chuckle before literally shouting, "call me 'cun-tray'!"
it should be noted that at our location, we rarely sing to a "bill" or a "susan". it's always a "laquisha" or "dantelle" or "niketha". so there's usually a need for clarification before the singing can begin.
i lean in closer. "i'm sorry, what was that?"
this time, for the entire restaurant he bellows, "CUN'TRAY! CALL ME CUN'TRAY!"
the other servers look to me for guidance. was he saying 'country'? i whisper to them, "i don't know, just sing." we knock out a quick rendition of the birthday song to "country" as he tosses his massive head back and roars with laughter; reminding me of an urban, toothless jabba the hut.
the people who frequent our establishment also frequently mispronounce words. the same words. over and over.
"shrimp" is pronounced "skrimp". with no 'H' sound whatsoever. as in, "i'm gunna get me somma' that garlic grilled skrimp." the first time i heard this, i was dumbfounded. maybe they had a speech impediment. just let it go. but the 18th time i heard a customer order 'skrimp' i couldn't help myself.
"i'm sorry, we don't have skrimp. did you mean...SHrimp?" the guy looks at me puzzled. "yeah, that's what i ordered, skrimp."
"skrimp? no, we don't have skrimp on the menu." it quickly turned into a laurel and hardy sketch and i eventually entered his skrimp order into the krunkputer for the kritchen to cook.
i would say upwards of 75% of our customers actually pronounce the L in 'salmon', so that it's mutated into 'sal-min'. not everyone can be a seafood expert and know how to correctly say 'mahi-mahi' or 'barramundi' or one of the other exotic varieties of fish available. but we're talking about salmon here. which makes me wonder if an aneurysm would develop in their brains if they ever tried to pronounce the last name of our 16th president.
it's an everyday occurrence to hear about random shootings on the local freeways, at the mall, on my own street. just yesterday i was driving behind a car and read their license plate frame. i thought to myself, "i must have misread that." i stepped on the gas for a closer view. yep. it did say that.
"I'd Rather Be Shooting Cops"
what a lovely city.
as i walk to my car, i repetedly tug on the bottom of my shirt, wishing i had worn a sweatshirt which could hide all my hideous bulge.
i arrive at home and sit on my bed to watch some (granted, sedentary) TV. my bed jolts and i quickly brace myself, thinking we're having another earthquake. nope. it's my bed. it's broken under my weight. the metal leg supporting my massive girth buckled and snapped in two. maybe the doc was onto something. so this puts me into a state of depression; which i attempt to stave off with a maple bar and some Häagen-Dazs.
Home??? Where is home??? YAY!
Well shewt. I gotta' say, it seems like you've gotten the shit end of the Los Angeles stick, brother.
I do hope you keep writing; I didn't find your stuff unreadable at all -- quite the opposite, really. The "unreadable" thing is just something that stupid people say when they can't come up with a coherent literary critique. I'm not sure what a-hole agent gets off on twisting the knife totally unnecessarily like that, but that's one of those guys you wouldn't have wanted representing you anyway. What happened to the good old fashioned, "I'm going to pass, but best of luck"? Fucking Los Angeles...
But I guess that's the good thing about being a writer -- you can do it from the comfort of the much better city of Lynnwood. You tried out Los Angeles, and it was an experience (something you writers seem to enjoy) that you survived. Hell, your experience could easily become a script on its own. I'm just sayin'...
Anyhow, keep in touch -- I've got a group of friends/filmmakers down here that are always looking for material. If you want to write some short-ish scenes starring mid-to-late-20-somethings, we can shoot it and post it...somewhere.
And if you ever find yourself in this despised state again give me a call; we'll go get some fat-free lattes and carrot sticks...or something. My treat. :)
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